Public Notice of Council and Committee Meetings

 The following Council meetings will be held during the next 12 months up to the 30th June 2025 and are open to members of the public.

Ordinary Council Meetings:

Place:           Council Chambers, Lundy Avenue, Cunderdin 

Time:           5:00pm

Dates:         As follows

Please note: Statutory Question Time precedes discussion of matters to be decided at the meetings.


Meeting Date

June 2024

Wednesday 26 June 2024

July 2024

Wednesday 24 July 2024

August 2024

Tuesday 27 August 2024

September 2024

Wednesday 25 September 2024

October 2024

Wednesday 23 October 2024

November 2024

Wednesday 27 November 2024

December 2024

Wednesday 18 December 2024

January 2025

No meeting scheduled

February 2025

Wednesday 26 February 2025

March 2025

Wednesday 26 March 2025

April 2025

Wednesday 16 April 2025

May 2025

Wednesday 28 May 2025

June 2025

Wednesday 25 June 2025

Audit Committee

Audit Committee meetings will be held as and when required with local public notice given on those occasions where the public are invited to attend.

Audit Committee Minutes

LEMC (Local Emergency Management Committee)

Local Emergency Management Committee (LEMC) meetings are to be held three (3) times per year.  The scheduled LEMC meetings for 2023 - 2024 are Wednesday 19 July 2023, Wednesday 13 September 2023 and Wednesday 10 April 2024 in the Council Chambers, Lundy Avenue, Cunderdin.

LEMC Minutes

BFAC (Bush Fire Advisory Committee)

The Bush Fire Advisory Committee (BFAC) is established pursuant to Section 67 of the Bush Fires Act 1954. Its role is to advise the Council on bushfire matters pertaining to bush fire prevention, preparedness, and response within the Shire of Cunderdin.

BFAC Minutes

Annual Electors Meeting 

A general meeting of the electors of the Shire of Cunderdin is to be held once every financial year.

The Electors meeting is held on a day selected by the local government.  The date chosen will be no more than 56 days after the Council has accepted the annual report for the previous financial

Annual Electors Meeting Minutes 

For further information relating to Council and Committee meetings, please contact Governance and Compliance Officer at the Shire Administration Office on (08) 9635 2700.