Cunderdin Airfield

History Of Strip

WW I plane at Cunderdin Airfield

Cunderdin Airfield lies to the north of the town and was constructed early in World War II as an elementary training school for ab initio pilots for the Empire Air Training Scheme (EATS). The facility comprised a large airfield, hangars and technical huts together with a main base camp further to the east. Towards the end of the war, after sufficient pilots had been trained for both EATS and RAAF requirements in the South West Pacific, the airfield was used as an operational base for heavy bombers in connection with the campaign against the Japanese occupied Netherlands East Indies.

Following the war the base was used as a migrant camp and in 1957 the Commonwealth began disposing of some assets at the base and ownership of some of the buildings passed into private hands including the Gliding Club of WA which purchased Building 109. The original airfield comprised three main areas - the Movement Area, the Hangar Area and the Camp Area. The Camp Area is no longer a part of the airfield and now houses the Agricultural College. In 1992 the remaining land at the airfield (but excluding land for the Junior Agricultural High School and some other adjustments) was transferred to the Shire of Cunderdin under a special agreement with the Commonwealth.

Cunderdin Airshow

It’s important for rural communities to have an event that identifies them separately from other similar towns and for the Shire of Cunderdin it’s the Cunderdin Airshow. The inaugural event was held in 2003 with more than 11,000 people attending. The second Airshow, held two years later, featured the world’s greatest aerobatic pilot, Jurgis Kairys – who wowed spectators with his range of daring aerial stunts.

Gliding Club Of WA

The Gliding Club of WA was established in 1944 and is the longest established Gliding Club in the State. The club moved to the Cunderdin Airfield in 1959 and has been housed there ever since.

The Club flies every Saturday and Sunday weather permitting and during summer and holiday periods they may also run various courses. The Gliding Club of Western Australia offers Air Experience flights. The flight will be with an experienced instructor who will show you how easy and enjoyable flying can be.  Gliding is for young and old alike, so come and have a go!

You'll have a half-hour flight in one of the club's two-seat gliders, during which time you will be able to learn the basic control method and have a go yourself.  It is an excellent way to see that gliding is for everyone.

Of course, maybe you just want to lean back and relax, enjoying the sights from the serene and quiet environment of a glider cockpit; or maybe you're up for some more excitement and want to experience an introduction to aerobatics.  All of these are possibilities - just ask your instructor.  

Flight training at the Gliding Club Of Western Australia

The Gliding Club of WA can most certainly help you achieve your dreams.  As a member of the club, you will be entitled to undertake lessons with our amazing group of instructors, who will guide you through the process of learning to fly a glider safely and professionally.  All of our instructors are volunteers and club members, and they donate their time just to see people experience the joys of flying.

Learning at GCWA has many advantages.  Cunderdin Airfield has two large tarmac runways, safely approachable with the wind from any direction.  We have no trees or other obstructions near the runways, making wind conditions predictable and landing approaches easier to judge.  Plus, we've got a great bunch of experienced instructors who will work with you to ensure that you learn in a safe, supportive environment - and that you have fun!

We offer flight training every weekend of the year, weather permitting. There are also scheduled flight training weeks during the year where comprehensive flight training takes place over 9 consecutive days.

To read more about the history of the Gliding Club of Western Australia, book AEF flights or make arrangements for training, visit our website at or email for any further queries, please contact the GCWA Publicity Officer on 0409 683 159.

Automatic Weather Station (AWS)

The Bureau of Meteorology has an Automatic Weather Station (AWS) set up at the airstrip to monitor rainfall, temperature and other weather information. You can access local weather information gathered from this station through the Bureau website -

Gliding Club (credit Leanne Bates)