Engineering Works & Services
The Shire of Cunderdin has a dedicated team of plant operators, gardeners, general hands, mechanics, and greenkeeper led by our Manager of Works and Services.

The team attends to:
- Road maintenance (potholes etc)
- Footpath maintenance
- Parks/Reserves (maintenance)
- Maintaining street trees
- Maintaining road verges
- Removal of trees across roads – except main roads
- Private works requests (limited services dependant on staff availability)
- Drainage
- Bridge damage
- Crossovers – except main roads
- Storm damage
Any queries or concerns regarding Shire works should be directed to the Council’s Works Manager on (08) 9635 2700.
Road Service Requests

The Shire of Cunderdin maintains and upgrades most of the roads within the Shire, with the exception of those under the control of Main Roads WA.
If you need grading, removal of debris or other relevant services on roads under the Shires control, please contact the office on (08) 9635 2700.
Private Works
For any private work – i.e. work not under the control of Council – please contact the Shire office to arrange an inspection and quotation.
Weed Spraying
Council makes an annual provision for contractors to undertake a weed spraying program on road verges.
Tree Planting
If you would like to be eligible to plant approved natives on your road verge, please contact the Shire Office to find out more information.
Roads Program
50% of Council's overall expenditure is allocated to road maintenance. The road program consists of 466 kms of gravel and 376 kms of sealed roads.
Restricted Access Vehicles (RAV) Permit Networks (CLASS 2 & 3)
Main Roads introduced the three-year Class 2 and 3 Restricted Access Vehicles Period Permit on 1 July 2006, which requires road networks to be inspected and certified by Main Roads.
A restricted access vehicle (RAV) is a vehicle that alone or together with any load, exceeds one or more of the following limits:
- a mass limit prescribed in Part 3 of the Road Traffic (Vehicle Standards) Regulations 2002; or
- one of the following dimension limits:
- a width of 2.5m;
- a height of 4.3m;
- a length of 12.5m in the case of a motor vehicle that is not part of a combination; or
- a length of 19m in the case of a combination;
- any other dimension limit specified in the:
- Road Traffic (Vehicle Standards) Regulations 2002; or
- Road Traffic (Vehicle Standards) Rules 2002.
When a vehicle is being operated as a RAV, it must only operate under a notice or permit issued by the Commissioner of Main Roads.